PDX Disco Dragons



Porngy (Pink + Orange) was the original dragon, created in 2014. This is the heaviest dragon by far. It’s made from styrofoam, foam, paper mache, marabou, mirrors, disco balls, tape and lots of twinkle LEDs.  

Porngy has been retired and is being remade right now. 

WHite Luck


White Luck was born in 2015. This one is narrower and lighter than Porngy. It’s made from styrofoam, foam, wire, paper mache, marabou, mirrors, disco balls, paint &  3 kinds of LED lights. 

Sam the Silver


Silver Sam came along in 2016, to be friends with White Luck and Porngy. Sam is made from recycled insulation, paper mache, foam, wire, paint, emergency blankets, mylar, reflective zippers, mirrors & 2 kinds of LED lights. 

gilda the green


Gilda is the latest dragon, created in 2017. She is the lightest, made from wire, foam, gaff tape, paper mache, cinefoil, paint and LED light strips.



Featured Videos

Here’s a video of Gilda the Green Dragon, just hanging out in PDX and the Dragons bouncing at PDXWLF.


The PDX Disco Dragons have been to all 9 of the Portland Winter Light Festivals,in the Portland Rose Festival Starlight Parade in 2017 & 2018 (where we won “The Portlandia Award” for our fun entry with lots of other super talented light fest artists). And in the Luminary Parade at theProcession of the Species in Olympia, WA  (in 2018, where we accidentally started the parade, whoops and yay!) and in 2024. So Fun!!


You can sometimes catch them around Portland, keep an eye out. They love to dance!


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